Dimethyl Anthranilatealso known as DMA, is a versatile organic compound with a distinct grape-like odor, finding diverse applications in industries such as food and beverage flavoring, as well as pharmaceutical manufacturing. While similar in application to Methyl Anthranilate, DMA differs in that it does not form Schiff bases with aldehydes and has minimal or no tendency to discolour.
CAS No: 85-91-6
Odour Description: Floral, Orange blossom, Neroli
Odour Family: Floral
Molecular weight:165.2 g/mol
Formula: C9H11NO2
Appearance: Clear, colourless liquid
It is used to impart a fruity, grape-like flavor to beverages, candies, and other confectionery products.
PharmaceuticalDMA is employed as an intermediate in the production of certain drugs due to its chemical structure.
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