Selenium Derivatives

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Selenium Derivatives

Selenium is a non-metallic chemical element and it occurs naturally in the environment in a number of inorganic forms, including selenide, selenate and selenite, but these minerals are rare.

Selenium is commonly used to colorize or decolorize glass, refine manganese, or in solar panels and special-purpose lenses due to its semiconductive and optical characteristics. In addition, selenium is an essential mineral used in many things from supplements to fertilizer.

Depending on the area of application and the customer, we ensure the required level of quality without fluctuations and the appropriate processing. Benefit from our high performance, market-driven prices, excellent delivery availability, and with the highest environmental standards.

As the world market leader for high-quality refined ultra-pure selenium and selenium compounds, our diverse clientele includes the glass, feed, solar, semiconductor, and optical industries, along with pharmaceutical, electroplating, steel, and fertilizer sectors. We are committed to offering tailored solutions that address your unique production requirements.

Selenium Derivatives Products